COVID-19 get a life


Coronavirus: a globalized lie

At the first news on the fight against the spread of coronavirus infection in China, the suspicion arose that, beyond the official information, the mortality caused by the coronavirus was much higher. Instead, after the spread of the infection in other States, it is clear, very clearly, how the danger of this infection is equal to that of any other flu that spreads every year in the world, always starting from China, at the beginning of the winter season. I do not have the political competence to identify the justifications for current alarmism, except to note the damage to the Chinese economy and trade with China. Personally, after teaching the mechanisms of infections in the General Pathology Course that I have carried out for almost forty years in a couple of Italian universities, I am surprised at the involvement of expert infectious disease specialists in government activities aimed at isolating infectious outbreaks (illusion), while these experts have not rather advised to focus the attention of politicians on the effective (not so easy) isolation of individuals at high risk of mortality in any flu pathology, such as patients in resuscitation wards, cancer patients or allergic or transplanted individuals in antiblastic treatment, defed elderly, malnourished and vegan individuals. Considering that for everyone else it is no more than a cold.



1st.Excluding tests for the 5g network or chemical wars , the expected hygiene protocols the measures put in place by the government do not serve to contain the virus, they are a mass pedagogy for DUMBS/NAIVE ;do not embrace, do not kiss, do not leave the house, stay from a meter away, sneeze in the elbow, do not touch your face, bring self-certification (sic), supermarkets with one kilometer long lines, etc.This is NOT EBOLA This is not John Carpenter’s THE THING or Steven Soderbergh’s CONTAGION. But NOW All prisoners of their own home WE CANT GO OUT, simply through suggestion. An epic feat, designed with the knowledge of millennia

2nd.They are seeing if we are STUPID enough to accept all these end-of-the-world pandemic idiocies for a trivial flu virus.
So, I say this clearly to those who think that “the better we are at home, the sooner this all ends” (sic): think about the FACTS and DATA; the more we accept all of this, the more we make it clear that we have had the media propaganda and fake news about us, and the more we make it clear that we are willing to tolerate that this lasts a long time.

3rd.All the victims with an average age over 80 years have previous pathologies aggravated by the coronavirus “. That is to say: pneumonia, up to now, had mainly killed patients already in compromised conditions.” The young people heal everyone!In Fact Rome, 13 Mar 19:12 – (Agenzia Nova) – There may be only two people who died from coronavirus in Italy, who did not present other pathologies. This is what emerges from the medical records examined so far by the Higher Institute of Health, according to what was reported by the President of the Institute, Silvio Brusaferro, during the press conference held today at the Civil Protection in Rome. “Positive deceased patients have an average of over 80 years – 80.3 to be exact – and are essentially predominantly male,” said Brusaferro. “Women are 25.8 percent. The average age of the deceased is significantly higher than the other positive ones. The age groups over 70, with a peak between 80 and 89 years. The majority of these people are carriers of chronic diseases. Only two people were not presently carriers of diseases “, but even in these two cases, the examination of the files is not concluded and therefore, causes of death different from Covid-19 could emerge. The president of the ISS has specified that “little more than a hundred medical records” have so far come from hospitals throughout Italy.

4th.An ISS study confirms that these interstitial pneumonia are caused by a virus that has nothing to do with that from China. The first patients who died of “coronavirus” were infected with the second or third generation. So there is no ONE virus. But at least two distinguished by geographical origin. The thing about the virus that “comes from China” was only to make it look more terrible … this is another twist for shape and handle at their own use

5th.The Italian national health service, victim of cuts of 40 billion euros in 10 years, and we pay all the consequences. They want to save their ass because they cannot justify their unpreparedness in “special” and emergency cases like seasonal flu and this in part created by mass media panic[Brainwashed people went to the hospital to seek treatment from psy ops]. But I even believe that the “unpreparedness” was deliberate and malicious,overacting for be victims of lack of hardware,doctors and funds, just to later paint a pseudo-emergency as an apocalyptic something and ask more money or resources when sited at the table in to a next future.Then it’s very simple … because those who ask us to stay home to contain the virus, are the same ones who demolished the health system, and will continue to demolish it without care of what is happening because “Cui prodest scelus, is fecit “.Last but not the least Italy has boasted of having made 29,000 viral pharyngeal swabs in regions such as Lombardy[The same each year show issues LINK ]. Swabs that need Hi tech rare hardware and at least 4 hours to get a results(7/8 in any cases). This takes 4833 working days for process  all the results of those numbers. As I said the press in league with the government has created misinformation artfully

6th.While in my opinion we are facing a political maneuver and just some of the two possible hypotheses could be either the Chinese [and their infamous political conduct with Hong Kong] had to do it because under media attack by the western press(But ITALY is a friend and has arrived first on the Silk Road ) and therefore to avoid international isolation …. or because they too agreed with the transnational elite to give a depressive turn to the economy, as well as to make believe the need for restrictive measures of individual rights and increasingly sophisticated means of social control.Not surprisingly, the Wuhan laboratory is managed by the Chinese together with France and together with the WHO. And they will have little impact on the economy, given the 1700 billion of public funding they have already allocated.
In the meantime, they have made a great impression and have improved their image abroad.
Regardless of which of the two hypotheses is real, one fact does not change: those draconian measures were not necessary because of the virus, but because of “something else”.
Because if they were really necessary, the western countries would immediately put them on the field also if  Europe led by France and Germany (which in my opinion should have been erased from the maps at the end of the Second World War) always take us for idiots

7th.At net of under-the-counter reimbursements for taking charge of this plague damage to the economy will be huge under the gaze of the most powerful lobbies that are the ones who will gain from all this: bankers, financial speculators, multinationals .. …. collapse of GDP, collapse of people’s living standards, managers who will be forced to close, collapse of internal demand, and therefore also other cuts to the social status and health.It is clear that even the freedom to go out and make social life cannot be called into question by a flu virus.Above all, this was not necessary, and it does not serve at all to protect the sick, let alone health care system, which with the collapse of the GDP that we will have in the next future, will get more and more disgusting.

8th.They have confined us to our homes, teaching us that this virus is fought starting from intimate things, SO here the numbers of my neighborhood and my province of residence, I don’t care about the rest of Italy, I want stay focused on my area. Coronavirus Piedmont | Contagion data
Province of Vercelli, The total population amounts to 174,904 inhabitants spread over an area of 2,089km2, the release of this evening, March 14, 2020, from the Crisis Unit reads 29 cases of positivity reported since the beginning of the spread and a total of 3 deaths, stable numbers but constantly updated.Infected 0,01658% Death 0,00171% over total population.Last but not the least the sad thing is that in people a growing belief comes , a worm, who is not infected can be infected at any time or is already infected only that ignores it, there is no possibility of escape. Who heals becomes healthy carrier. A dead infected is more a normal and welcome new than healed or discharged.
Targeted Plague-spreaders modality ON, God help us…

9th. A Good thing,or on of main target reached, we have fixed the pollution PM 10 Issue that is killing 70000 people each year

10th. PM 2.5 [LINK] Is the Main Responsable of the current pollution,PM2.5 refers to atmospheric particulate matter (PM) that have a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers, which is about 3% the diameter of a human hair.Fine particles can come from various sources. They include power plants, motor vehicles, airplanes, residential wood burning, forest fires, agricultural burning, volcanic eruptions and dust storms.Commonly written as PM2.5, particles in this category are so small that they can only be detected with an electron microscope. They are even smaller than their counterparts PM10, which are particles that are 10 micrometres or less, and are also called fine particles.

Tips to cope with PM2.5

Avoiding exposure to outdoor activities. If exercise is needed, indoor gym is highly preferred instead of outdoor ones.
Staying in the building as much as possible. Open air activities should be avoided or limited. If necessary, duration of activities must be as short as possible. N95 masks and sun-glasses must be worn at all times.
Air purifiers are highly recommended to be installed in the elderly’s bedroom.
Regular house cleaning. Windows should be closed in order to prevent the dust coming into the house.
Keeping updated on weather forecast.

11th. 15 April 2020,still under House Arrest due a big the biggest globalized liar never told,don’t call me “conspiracy theorist” I’m just detail-oriented(I’m not listing anything found from yourself) and I try to not follow brainwashed news from the regime..The tangible true is, due this shit..I’m forced unemployed,welfare does not care of us,the tertiary sector is forced to close,but people as me and my parents will pay taxes as always as the same,how  can we be taxpayer if the right to work is denied?Any “elected” govern should work to restore the best condition,this one a bunch of criminals ,for filthy speculative reasons, instead aims to maintain widespread fear with lie about a fake flu virus mistaken for Anthrax ,settings things for a unconstitutional  unlawful dictatorial future in the name of nothing; this is evil this is bad.S.O.S HELP and SAVE US #HELPUS #SAVEUS

12th.5 May  2020,Giuseppe De Donno  @ ASST di Mantova Strada Lago Paiolo, 1046100 – Mantova (MN) Italy found a method for cure the “COVIDdisease”(Link), of course GOV is trying to get discredit and give less media feedback. Now We are “free” in phase 2, but nothing is really change I hope faith will bring the right fruits,we’re living under  unconstitutional unlawful dictatorial regime in the name of nothing; this is evil this is bad.S.O.S HELP and SAVE US #HELPUS #SAVEUS

UPGRADE 28th.July 2021,Giuseppe De Donno found DEAD @ (PDF ITALIAN VERSION) “sed líbera nos a Malo. Amen.”

To Be Continued… –つづく…